Grade K: EDC Daily Depositor – Beginning of October

Instructor Notes:
For materials preparations, click ‘Back to Main Menu’ button and select ‘Getting Started – EDC Setup’.
Read Every Day Counts Teacher’s Guide, Kanter and Gillespie, Great Source, 2005 or 2012 edition, p. 34-36.
The Depositor collects one rock each day of October. On October 10th the full pocket of ten rocks is moved over to the “tens side” of the place value mat to help children see that or first two-digit number, 10, represents one group of ten and no extra ones.
Each month, as children revisit sets 1 to 30 or 31, they get lots of practice with building, reading, and writing teen numbers as one group of ten and ___ extra ones, preventing reversals and building a foundation for understanding place value in our base ten system. The collection of rocks or other counters can also provide a rich resource for sorting and classifying.