Grade K: EDC Estimation – Middle of November

Instructor Notes:
For materials preparations, click ‘Back to Main Menu’ button and select ‘Getting Started – EDC Setup’.
Read Every Day Counts Teacher’s Guide, Kanter and Gillespie, Great Source, 2005 or 2012 edition, p. 56-57.
By middle of the month children should be using the language of comparison using terms such as shorter than, longer than, smaller than, greater than, about the same length as, shortest, and longest, as they talk about the growing line up of shoe cutouts.
It might be fun to ask how many of the shortest shoe everyone thinks would be needed to stretch across the class meeting rug, and then use the cutout to cut out a bunch more matching cutouts and have volunteers help line them up to see how many are needed.
The next day, after reviewing the number of feet used, everyone can estimate how many of the longest foot will be needed to go the same distance. With a show of hands, notice who chooses a smaller number of feet? Who thinks it will be the same number? Who thinks more will be used?