Grade 3: EDC Measurement – Beginning of October

Instructor Notes:

For materials preparations, click ‘Back to Main Menu’ button and select ‘Getting Started – EDC Setup’.

Read Every Day Counts Teacher’s Guide, Kanter and Gillespie, Great Source, 2005 or 2012 edition, p. 35-36.

By October 3rd, display a 5 x 100 centimeter strip created from cm grid paper (TR10) with markings at every 10 centimeters to show each decimeter. Placing a meter of adding machine tape or meter stick above or below can help students compare centimeters to the whole meter.

Ask students to guess and check the number of centimeters in a meter. Help everyone see the ten groups of ten centimeters that make up the meter. Color in 10 centimeters for each day in October through the 3rd and state the distance in centimeters, decimeters, and as a fraction of a meter.