Grade 3: EDC Daily Depositor – Days of School 14 & 15

Instructor Notes:

For materials preparations, click ‘Back to Main Menu’ button and select ‘Getting Started – EDC Setup’.

Read Every Day Counts Teacher’s Guide, Kanter and Gillespie, Great Source, 2005 or 2012 edition, p. 26-27.

On Day 14: The 100-dollar bill makes its debut!

Each day, before adding the day’s new deposit, record the addition without the sum and have the class predict the outcome. For example, on Day 14, when everyone has had a chance to predict 105 dollars and two or three students have explained how they got $105 for the new total, go ahead and prove it by adding the new ten and four ones to the Depositor display. Focus attention on trading the 10 tens for the first hundred-dollar bill to appear in the Depositor. Discuss the value of the digits now that we are using the 100’s place.

On Day 15:

On some days, before adding the day’s deposit, you may want to pose a pretend expenditure to encourage the use of subtraction mental math strategies. For example, with $105 in the depositor (see photo), when asked to figure what would be left if $19 is spent for groceries, some students may start with the total, $105, and take away a friendly number close to 19 like 20 to get to $85, and then put back a dollar to get the exact answer of $86. Others may start with $19 and count up 1 dollar to get to $20 and then see they need $80 more to get to $100 + $5 more for an answer of $86. Others may start with $105 and take away $10 to get to $95, and then take away $9 to get down to$86.

It may help the other children to remember and use the strategies their peers have shared, if you describe and label them (e.g. Anthony’s “Take off a Friendly Number and then Fix It” strategy or Maya’s “Counting Up to the Next Ten and then Counting On” strategy.)