Grade K: EDC Daily Depositor – Beginning of November

Instructor Notes:
For materials preparations, click ‘Back to Main Menu’ button and select ‘Getting Started – EDC Setup’.
Read Every Day Counts Teacher’s Guide, Kanter and Gillespie, Great Source, 2005 or 2012 edition, p. 48-49.
The ten-grid helps children learn to see and recognize each quantity to ten at a glance. Four stamps are seen as 1 less than 5, and 6 stamps as 1 more than 5. Seven stamps appear as 5 and 2 more, and 3 less than 10. Eight appear as 5 and 3 more, and 2 less than 10. Finally nine are seen as 5 and 4 more and also as 1 less than 10.
From November 10th to the 19th, the Depositor helps children see that they can write each teen number as “one group of ten and some extra ones” from left to write. We can also ask, “How many more to get our next 5?” and “How many more to get our next 10?” to help children see numbers in relationship to five and ten.