Grade 1: EDC Calendar – Middle of September or First Month of School

Instructor Notes:

For materials preparations, click ‘Back to Main Menu’ button and select ‘Getting Started – EDC Setup’.

Read Every Day Counts Teacher’s Guide, Kanter and Gillespie, Great Source, 2005 or 2012 edition, p. 18-20.

By mid month the purple, green, green or circle, square, square pattern will be quite noticeable. It’s a good time to ask children to talk about what they notice about the colors, shapes, and numbers that are on the Calendar so far. Some may talk about the abb color and shape pattern. It is also a good time to ask children to predict the color and shape of tomorrow’s calendar piece.

Some may notice the purple circles marching down diagonally. You might want to introduce the term diagonal if someone points out this pattern.

Saying the pattern out loud together will help children predict what comes next. You might also have children predict the color and shape of a piece appearing on a future date, such as a week from today or an upcoming birthday. The fun is watching to see how they come up with their answers.